149 research outputs found

    Teaching programming with computational and informational thinking

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    Computers are the dominant technology of the early 21st century: pretty well all aspects of economic, social and personal life are now unthinkable without them. In turn, computer hardware is controlled by software, that is, codes written in programming languages. Programming, the construction of software, is thus a fundamental activity, in which millions of people are engaged worldwide, and the teaching of programming is long established in international secondary and higher education. Yet, going on 70 years after the first computers were built, there is no well-established pedagogy for teaching programming. There has certainly been no shortage of approaches. However, these have often been driven by fashion, an enthusiastic amateurism or a wish to follow best industrial practice, which, while appropriate for mature professionals, is poorly suited to novice programmers. Much of the difficulty lies in the very close relationship between problem solving and programming. Once a problem is well characterised it is relatively straightforward to realise a solution in software. However, teaching problem solving is, if anything, less well understood than teaching programming. Problem solving seems to be a creative, holistic, dialectical, multi-dimensional, iterative process. While there are well established techniques for analysing problems, arbitrary problems cannot be solved by rote, by mechanically applying techniques in some prescribed linear order. Furthermore, historically, approaches to teaching programming have failed to account for this complexity in problem solving, focusing strongly on programming itself and, if at all, only partially and superficially exploring problem solving. Recently, an integrated approach to problem solving and programming called Computational Thinking (CT) (Wing, 2006) has gained considerable currency. CT has the enormous advantage over prior approaches of strongly emphasising problem solving and of making explicit core techniques. Nonetheless, there is still a tendency to view CT as prescriptive rather than creative, engendering scholastic arguments about the nature and status of CT techniques. Programming at heart is concerned with processing information but many accounts of CT emphasise processing over information rather than seeing then as intimately related. In this paper, while acknowledging and building on the strengths of CT, I argue that understanding the form and structure of information should be primary in any pedagogy of programming

    Profile Guided Dataflow Transformation for FPGAs and CPUs

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    This paper proposes a new high-level approach for optimising field programmable gate array (FPGA) designs. FPGA designs are commonly implemented in low-level hardware description languages (HDLs), which lack the abstractions necessary for identifying opportunities for significant performance improvements. Using a computer vision case study, we show that modelling computation with dataflow abstractions enables substantial restructuring of FPGA designs before lowering to the HDL level, and also improve CPU performance. Using the CPU transformations, runtime is reduced by 43 %. Using the FPGA transformations, clock frequency is increased from 67MHz to 110MHz. Our results outperform commercial low-level HDL optimisations, showcasing dataflow program abstraction as an amenable computation model for highly effective FPGA optimisation

    RIPL: An Efficient Image Processing DSL for FPGAs

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    Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) can accelerate image processing by exploiting fine-grained parallelism opportunities in image operations. FPGA language designs are often subsets or extensions of existing languages, though these typically lack suitable hardware computation models so compiling them to FPGAs leads to inefficient designs. Moreover, these languages lack image processing domain specificity. Our solution is RIPL, an image processing domain specific language (DSL) for FPGAs. It has algorithmic skeletons to express image processing, and these are exploited to generate deep pipelines of highly concurrent and memory-efficient image processing components.Comment: Presented at Second International Workshop on FPGAs for Software Programmers (FSP 2015) (arXiv:1508.06320

    Code or (Not Code): Separating Formal and Natural Language in CS Education

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    This paper argues that the "institutionalised understanding" of pseudo-code as a blend of formal and natural languages makes it an unsuitable choice for national assessment where the intention is to test program comprehension skills. It permits question-setters to inadvertently introduce a level of ambiguity and consequent confusion. This is not in keeping with either good assessment practice or an argument developed in the paper that CS education should be clearly fostering the skills needed for understanding formal, as distinct from natural, languages. The argument is backed up by an analysis of 49 questions drawn from the national school CS examinations of a single country, spanning a period of six years and two phases -- the first in which no formal pseudo-code was defined, the second in which a formal reference language, referred to as a "formally-defined pseudo-code", was provided for teachers and exam setters. The analysis demonstrates that in both phases, incorrect, confusing or ambiguous code was presented in questions. The paper concludes by recommending that the term reference language should be used in place of pseudo-code, and an appropriate formally-defined language specified, in national exam settings where a common language of assessment is required. This change of terms emphasises the characteristics required of a language to be used for assessment of program comprehension. The reference language used in the study is outlined. It was designed by the authors for human readability and also to make absolutely explicit the demarcation between formal and informal language, in such a way that automated checking can be carried out on programs written in the language. Formal specifications and a checker for the language are available

    Power efficient dataflow design for a heterogeneous smart camera architecture

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    Visual attention modelling characterises the scene to segment regions of visual interest and is increasingly being used as a pre-processing step in many computer vision applications including surveillance and security. Smart camera architectures are an emerging technology and a foundation of security and safety frameworks in modern vision systems. In this paper, we present a dataflow design of a visual saliency based camera architecture targeting a heterogeneous CPU+FPGA platform to propose a smart camera network infrastructure. The proposed design flow encompasses image processing algorithm implementation, hardware & software integration and network connectivity through a unified model. By leveraging the properties of the dataflow paradigm, we iteratively refine the algorithm specification into a deployable solution, addressing distinct requirements at each design stage: from algorithm accuracy to hardware-software interactions, real-time execution and power consumption. Our design achieved real-time run time performance and the power consumption of the optimised asynchronous design is reported at only 0.25 Watt. The resource usages on a Xilinx Zynq platform remains significantly low

    Profile driven dataflow optimisation of mean shift visual tracking

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    Profile guided optimisation is a common technique used by compilers and runtime systems to shorten execution runtimes and to optimise locality aware scheduling and memory access on heterogeneous hardware platforms. Some profiling tools trace the execution of low level code, whilst others are designed for abstract models of computation to provide rich domain-specific context in profiling reports. We have implemented mean shift, a computer vision tracking algorithm, in the RVC-CAL dataflow language and use both dynamic runtime and static dataflow profiling mechanisms to identify and eliminate bottlenecks in our naive initial version. We use these profiling reports to tune the CPU scheduler reducing runtime by 88%, and to optimise our dataflow implementation that reduces runtime by a further 43% - an overall runtime reduction of 93%. We also assess the portability of our mean shift optimisations by trading off CPU runtime against resource utilisation on FPGAs. Applying all dataflow optimisations reduces FPGA design space significantly, requiring fewer slice LUTs and less block memory

    Orthogonal parallel processing in vector pascal

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    Despite the widespread adoption of parallel operations in contemporary CPU designs, their use has been restricted by a lack of appropriate programming language abstractions and development environments. To fully exploit the SIMD model of computation such operations offer, programmers depend on CPU specific machine code or implementation dependent libraries. Vector Pascal is a language designed to enable the elegant and efficient expression of SIMD algorithms. It imports into Pascal abstraction mechanisms derived from functional languages, in turn having their origins in APL. In particular, it extends all operators to work on vectors of data. The type system is also extended to handle pixels and dimensional analysis. Code generation is via the ILCG system that allows retargeting to multiple different SIMD instruction sets based on formalised descriptions of the instruction set semantics

    Are there new models of computation? Reply to Wegner and Eberbach

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    Wegner and Eberbach[Weg04b] have argued that there are fundamental limitations to Turing Machines as a foundation of computability and that these can be overcome by so-called superTuring models such as interaction machines, the [pi]calculus and the $-calculus. In this paper we contest Weger and Eberbach claims

    Interpreters from functions and grammars

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